Visualized Copy

Messaging Development for emerging ecommerce brands

Get the stories, hooks, and attention-grabbing phrases you need to stand out

Megan works on her laptop while Travis looks at her smiling

© Visualized Copy 2024

Work With Us

If you can’t talk about your brand and products in a compelling way that excites your ideal audience, you don’t have a copywriting problem. You have a messaging problem.We’ve stripped away the marketing distractions to help our clients with just one thing: developing the messages they need to stand out.Our work is hiding in plain sight and you may (unknowingly) come across our copy in press releases, product packaging, pitch decks, and PDPs. Contact us today to see if we're the perfect fit to help with your brand messaging.


Hey there, we’re Megan and Travis. We work with ecommerce companies to build strong brand foundations through positioning, messaging, and copywriting.We can help you understand your customers and develop your perfect narratives so that you can finally talk about your products in a clear & compelling way.Because once you can clearly articulate why your products exist, who they’re for, and what your whole deal is, it gets a lot easier to talk about your brand in a way that gets the right people to notice.

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You'll hear back from either Megan or Travis within 2 business days.